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ADA advises dentists to follow science-backed guidance regarding COVID-19 testing, avoid ‘gray market’

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The ADA News (4/17, Burger) reports that the ADA is urging dentists to be cautious about using novel coronavirus diagnostic tests before they have been properly evaluated and made available for dentists. The article quoted ADA Executive Director Kathy O’Loughlin, who said, “The testing market is becoming a bit of the Wild West for companies right now. There is very little scientific evidence that the tests being marketed to dentists are reliable, so be careful when you see an offer that seems ‘too good to be true.’” The article also went on to say that the ADA Science & Research Institute is evaluating the evidence regarding tests and the level of specificity and sensitivity and is talking directly to manufacturers and distributors. “All dentists need a fast point-of-care test that accurately predicts the presence or absence of COVID-19 virus in real time,” Dr. O’Loughlin said in the article. “Unfortunately, very few tests have met a high standard for specificity and sensitivity, which means a potential for high rates of false negatives and false positives.”

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